Experiencing Slow Wifi Issues on macOS Sierra?
Router Updates -Sorry for saying the obvious but have you powered down your router to see if it requests any updates?
Bluetooth -If you don't need Bluetooth enabled on your Mac then trying turning that off. That is not a permanent solution but it could work as a quick fix. Some bluetooth devices have yet to update to the latest SIG standards. At the least, this may help you identify the source of your problem.
Proxies -Go to System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies Tab and uncheck any boxes under the Select Protocol section. Enter OK and Apply.
Finally, we recommend that you delete certain Property List (.plist) files on your Mac. Plist files are often used to store a user's settings. But not all plist files are equal so be careful of what you delete.
Step 1 -Quit any apps that might be using Wi-Fi. Then go to Finder and look for Go. Select the "Go To Folder..." at the bottom and enter the following: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
Step 2 -This will take you to where your plist files are located in Finder. Move these files to your Desktop in case you want to set things back to where they were before.
- com.apple.airport.preferences.plist
- com.apple.network.eapolclient.configuration.plist
- com.apple.wifi.message-tracer.plist
- NetworkInterfaces.plist
- preferences.plist
Step 3 -Reboot your Mac and turn your Wi-Fi back on. Hopefully that solves your problem.
Let us know if you have other suggestions.We will glad to share those tips with other Ramjet subscribers.