Manage a Cluttered Desktop
Let’s face it - most of us use our machines for work and for play. The modern iMacs make it easy to work hard and play hard, letting us install and run multiple applications and multi-task with just a few clicks. When you work and play on one machine, it's easy for your desktop to get out of control with way too many files, programs, and other icons cluttering it all up.
An easy trick to clean it up quickly is to group some of your icons together in a desktop Folder. Then you can access that Folder from your desktop when you need those icons and keep them in easy reach, but also keep your desktop simple, clean, and uncluttered.
Command-Shift - Simply highlight the files you want in a group, either by clicking and dragging around the group or by selecting each icon with Command-Shift held down. Once you have all the icons together, right-click, and choose "New Folder with Selection" from the menu that appears. This will swiftly place all those icons together into one tidy folder, keeping like items together and within easy access.
Keep reading for more handy iMac tips and tricks!